Financially Savvy Women: 5 Strategies to Improve Your Financial Literacy

It is well established that financial literacy is a key component of financial independence. The more you know and understand about finance, the better equipped you are to make important decisions. Historically, women have had lower financial literacy scores than men for many reasons, including social norms, a lack of access to resources, and needing to focus on other issues. That said, women are living longer than men and studies…  Read more

What is lifestyle planning and how does it affect my finances?

When you think of financial planning, you probably imagine ways to increase your wealth, such as making a budget, reviewing what’s coming in and going out, and creating a plan for how to make the most of your money. You may think of investing in stocks or bonds, or of starting a retirement fund. Perhaps you think of saving for a major expense, like a home or education for your…  Read more

Differences Between an Accountant and a Financial Planner

When it comes to managing your finances, there are two professions that can help you understand your numbers, and ensure you have the plan to get to where you want to be. Accountants and financial planners can both play an important role in your financial success, but there are some important differences between the two. For any successful business, it’s advisable to have both an accountant and a financial planner…  Read more

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